Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Reaching The Top!

There are times when you feel you are soaring...

Golden Eagle being mobbed by a crow over the Fairy Hill

..and times you take a dive....

...then up and up you go...

'til you finally reach the top!

Nick passing Gary the last few slates.

Reaching the top of the roof was a milestone reached this week, a whole year since we bought the Dower House, we are still on target! I am forever optimistic and assume everything will just fall into place as long as do my homework first and work as hard as everyone else. So far so good. My target is to get the main roof finished and the windows in by optimistic target is to have at least one room to plasterboard level for Christmas day!
We couldn't do any of this of course without all the amazing help we keep receiving from people on Islay and friends from Dorset.

A year from now we will be planning a party!!!

On Monday I'm off down South, leaving Katie to manage my side of things for 3 weeks, which includes her father, however I'm bringing back reinforcements in the form of Bob, his son-in-law Mark and probably Jenny if she hasn't found a job. While I'm socialising with Sandy and Tom, family and friends, doing a bit of teaching and willow work to pay for the fuel, I hope lots of windows will be fixed and slates nailed so that we can start stud walls when we get back......well I can dream can't I?


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