Thursday, 14 November 2013

The roof is finished... sort of

Well, firstly I should probably apologise for killing the dog... sorry Jenny. I'm trying to catch you a deer so you can put that on a lead and walk it around instead. I just need to practice my lassoing technique a little...

In better news, the roof is sort of finished. Hooray! Well, the main bit of the roof is finished anyway, so the scaffolding can come down as soon as we've sorted out a number of other things such as chimney linings and guttering. Here is Dad wearing that hat again...

Unfortunately we are still 'dressing' slates (I'm not convinced this job will ever truly end) as the weather is 'fine' and they're be needed for the porch and end sheds...

...and wearing more stupid hats.

I think we're going to need to invest in a few more stupid hats looking at the weather forecast.

You'll be pleased to know that Mum is back on Saturday, so this will be it from me. Someone might actually tell you something useful next week. 

Katie xx


  1. As I say - keep wearing silly hats!! How did you cook your eggs? And anyway, I have enjoyed reading your ramblings! How is Islay now?!
    Ruth xx

    1. Suddenly it's quiet, I've just put Jenny on the ferry to follow Katie and Dan who went with Bob to Dorset on Saturday. Katie is off to London then Australia with Dan and Jenny returns on the 12th Dec to see the reindeer in Bowmore, by that time she will have sung many songs and carols.

      I will be working again and trying to sound interesting when Nick and Rick are being intellectual! Oh and collecting water from Topsy's as we have a large amount of arsenic in the water, just another little problem to be solved!

      Mary-Ann xx

  2. You're all doing a great job with your roof! This has been a long process for everyone, but a little more work wouldn't hurt, right? Considering all of your joined efforts to finish this roof, it's going to be greatly rewarding once it's done. Not just the thought that you were able to finish it, but also the peace of mind that you have a sturdy roof above your heads. Keep up the good work!
    Micha @ Ohio Exteriors

    1. The roof is finished now, excluding the two ends and the porch, so that is a massive relief! Not to have to run around with buckets and containers everytime it rains is incredibly nice too!
